From the golf course to the Blue Ridge Room, Farmington's membership appreciates and takes pride in maintaining an appropriate balance between casual and semiformal attire. Members are responsible for ensuring that their guests adhere to the following guidelines as well.
Clubhouse Attire
Farmington allows casual dress throughout the Clubhouse. Casual dress is defined as a shirt with a collar, slacks or shorts for men and boys. Women and girls are asked to adhere to similar standard of dress. Clothing with frayed edges, visible rips or tears is not considered appropriate attire in any area of the club. Tee shirts, tank tops, swimwear, workout attire, etc. are not considered appropriate attire in the Clubhouse. Swimwear should be fully covered and shoes worn outside of the pool area. Swim suits are allowed only in the Pool Locker Rooms and pool area.
Blue Ridge Room Attire
Given that the Blue Ridge Room is in the Clubhouse and will be open in conjunction with other events, we want to make every effort to comfortably accommodate all members for dining while remaining in compliance with the Clubhouse dress code policy. Similar to the Grill, Casual Attire will be acceptable. T-shirts, workout clothing and swimwear are not considered appropriate attire for the Blue Ridge Room.
Farmington Grill Attire
Informal sports attire, such as golf, tennis or fitness clothing is appropriate. Swimming attire must be fully covered. For males age sixteen and older, collared shirts are required.
Golf Course And Practice Facilities Attire
Dress code policies apply to the golf course, driving range and putting green. Appropriate foot wear is to be worn at all times. The use of non-metal spikes is mandatory. For men, appropriate shirts with sleeves and collars must be worn at all times. For women, appropriate golf skirts, Jamaica or Bermuda length shorts or slacks are appropriate.
Tennis Attire
Adult members and guests are to be dressed in appropriate tennis clothing. Men must wear collared shirts at all times; no sleeveless shirts or tee-Shirts. All players must wear regulation tennis shoes on court. Cross training, basketball and jogging shoes will not be allowed.
Fitness Attire
Members and guests using the Fitness Center are required to wear shirts, shorts, and athletic shoes. For safety purposes, shoes must have closed toes and heels, and rubber soles. The staff reserves the right to deny access to the Fitness Center if a member or guest’s attire is considered unsafe or inappropriate.
Swimming Attire
All swimmers must wear appropriate swimwear. Uncovered swimsuits are not permitted on the club grounds, in the parking areas or in the Clubhouse.
Cell Phone And Camera Policy
Members and their guests are asked to refrain from using cellular or digital telephones and other personal communication devices in the Farmington Grill, Blue Ridge Room and their adjoining terraces, Fitness Center, aerobics studio and Message & Wellness Center. Cell phone usage is permitted in the Fitness Center locker rooms and Ladies Lounge. Members and guests are asked to excuse themselves from the above-mentioned areas when receiving or making calls on such personal communication devices.
Farmington Country Club takes seriously the privacy and safety of its members and guests. Therefore, all persons are hereby prohibited from using cameras of any type, including cellular telephones with digital photograph capabilities, in the Club's Fitness Center or in any of the Club's locker rooms, restrooms or changing areas. Any violation of this policy will result in formal disciplinary action, including the possibility of suspension or termination of Club privileges.